Register for System for Award Management (SAM) and Unique Entity Identifier
Applicants must establish and maintain an active registration status in the SAM. The applicant must provide
- The agency’s 12-character unique entity identifier provided in the agency’s SAM registration profile.
- The current SAM expiration date.
To remain in active status, agencies must renew the registration annually, prior to the expiration date.
Current Audit Report
If the applicant is a nonprofit, community, or faith-based organization and the KGGP has previously received a copy of the organization’s most recent audit report and IRS Form 990,indicate this in the application and list the period covered in the audit, who performed the audit, and when the audit was conducted.
If the KGGP has not previously received a copy of the nonprofit, community, or faith-based organization’s most recent audit report and IRS Form 990, both items must be forwarded by U.S. Mail to the KGGP. Include with the audit the Auditor’s Letter to Management if applicable. If there are any findings and/or recommendations in the audit report or in the Letter to Management, explain how the findings and/or recommendations were, or will be, addressed by the applicant.
If the agency is a city or county government, a current audit does not need to be submitted. However, governmental agencies must include information on when the most recent audit was completed, who performed the audit, what period it covered, and where the audit is filed.
Civil Rights Information
Applicants must include the name, address, and telephone number of the civil rights contact person who is responsible for ensuring that all applicable civil rights requirements are met and who will act as liaison in civil rights matters.
Compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
The Sub-grantee assures that it has formulated an equal employment opportunity plan (EEOP) if required by federal regulation (28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subpart E) and state law. The Sub-grantee assures that it has provided to the KGGP the name of a civil rights person who has lead responsibility for ensuring that all applicable civil rights requirements are met. This person shall act as a liaison for civil rights issues with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
The Sub-grantee assures that they have provided the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights with a current Federal Office for Civil Rights EEO certification form and, if required, have created and submitted an EEO Utilization Report. Submissions must be made through the Equal Employment Opportunity Program Reporting Tool. Documentation of this submission must be maintained by the Sub-grantee and available to the KGGP for review upon request. For assistance in setting up a new account, please refer to the OCR EEO Reporting Tool Job Aid. The Sub-grantee acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable EEOP or applicable certification may result in suspension or termination of funding, until such time as the Sub-grantee is in compliance. Technical assistance is available from the OCR at (202) 307-0690.
Ensure access by persons with limited English proficiency
Sub-grantees are required to develop policies/procedures to ensure meaningful access by persons with limited English proficiency (LEP).
For guidance in complying with the LEP requirement, please refer to the U.S. Department of Justice Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons at 67 C.F.R. 41455 (June 18, 2002) or the Limited English Proficiency website.